Dancing Holiday Magic PROGRAM
Special Thanks
On behalf of the entire Tiffany’s Dance Academy team, we would like to thank you for your support and welcome you to our annual production of Dancing Holiday Magic!
I’d like to give special thanks to Robbie Teruya, our Director of Everything, who will be retiring after 20 years at TDA. Take five, Robbie and Alan! You’ve earned it.
Thank you, Cesar Degollado, whose persistence, knowledge and love of ballet is what allows us to become better and better each season, despite overwhelming obstacles.
To our heroic instructors who came to us during and immediately after the pandemic. You are all fearless warriors. Words can’t express our gratitude for you, or your importance in helping children and their families recover from the fear and isolation caused by Covid. What you have done may not be fully recognized for years, or even decades. You’re making an enormous difference in the lives of children. There is no more noble a pursuit. Thank you.
Miss Alida, and Miss Elaine; your dedication to the administration of TDA is truly remarkable. We appreciate your skill, expertise, hard work and devotion. Without you, nobody would be in this theater today!
Finally, thank you to all of our dancers and their families. Having just sent our son, Jack Henderson to Hubbard Street Dance Company in Chicago in July, and our youngest to college last year (hint: studying dance is a good way to gain acceptance to UC Santa Barbara 😁), I can tell all you parents of younger dancers that the time your kids spend in the studio is never wasted. They are learning to be dependable, and how to work hard. They are forming new and amazing pathways in their brains that help them learn quickly and remember what they learn. They are socializing away from their devices and social media, which has proven to be especially dangerous for female teens’ mental health. The time they spend in the studio with their friends and instructors is more important and more precious than you can imagine, and you won’t fully realize this importance until they are young adults.
We know how hard it is to bring your kids to dance day after day, week after week, year after year. But, I promise you, it pays off in ways you won’t fully understand until they graduate high school, get accepted to their #1 college and head out on their own, as caring, artistic, smart, well-adjusted, and capable young adults. Thank you for entrusting us with the most precious people in your lives. We do not take our responsibility lightly.
From our family to yours,
Happy Holidays
Paul, Tiffany, Jack, Halle, Koda and Henry Henderson
The Hendersons - from left to right: Paul, Halle, Koda, Jack, Henry, Tiffany
2022 Dancing Holiday Magic #3
Saturday, December 10, 2022 5:30PM
Santa Claus is Coming To Town ~ Tiffany Henderson
Toshani Banerjee, Miguel Castro, Janice Chu, Violet Clippinger, Kylie Fidow, Miranda Gonzalez, Parker-Grace Hovanic, Samantha Ledsinger, Madison Slavik, Mia Starczewski, Izzy Steiner, Olivia Van Buuren, Erin Widmann, Emily Wolf, Yuktha Yelluru
Mickey's Jingle Bells ~ Mariah Sterley
Hashvi Dandu, Atharvjit Deb, Arabella Huang, Ayra Kalindi, Zaynab Khan, Nandini Khanna, Sierra Leydon, Lysander McKnight, Chloe Murray, Thalia Rodriguez-Pulido, Natalia Ruiz Rivero, Amelia Sheikh
Snowflake, Snowflake ~ Mariah Sterley
Emilia Bausman, Bellamy Carter, Maya David-Rahman, Scarlett Epperson, Gisele Lee, Milana Matskala , Madelyn Naraval, Reva Sangraula, Lisa Trubchyk , Kinsley Wilson, Amelia Zhang, Shubhi Pushp, Charlene Xiong, Carolin Zhang
Sugar Plum Fairies ~ Mariah Sterley
Ava Collins, Riley Gonzalez, Selena Saavedra-Ruiz, Rhea Sahay, Yvonne Wang, Olivia Yao
Holly Jolly Christmas ~ Mariah Sterley
Renae Asariah, Medha Bhaskar, Rylee Cygan, Eliana Dominguez, Francesca Fletcher, Lucia Gualtieri, Sophia Gualtieri, Adelia Gupta, Jimena Pacheco Murillo, Misheel Purevdorj, Ella Silva
Boogie Woogie Santa Claus ~ Mariah Sterley
Abigail Alcaraz, Avni Dravid, Ayana Hagos, Layla Hagos, Aaira Jain, Everly Li, Haiping Liu, Anika Perkins, Amelia Sun, Charlotte Wang
The Lullaby from the Nutcracker Ballet ~ Cesar Degollado
Clara - Annia McCormick
Clara’s Friends - Violet Clippinger, Kylie Fidow, Miranda Gonzalez, Samantha Ledsinger
Fritz - Elizabeth Clippinger
We Wish You A Merry Christmas/Jingle Bells ~ Mariah Sterley
Alaina Bergman, Arshi Gupta, Maleah Johnson, Essa Lee, Abigail Li, Abigail Merlos , Kira Pannu, Amel Rodriguez , Haasini Subramanian, Avery Wu, Kaira Yadav
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer ~ Corina Zimmerman
Zoey Bosma, Kaelyn Cook-Sewell, Ariana Farid, Elizabeth Filson, Eloise Mandelin, Alexis Soy, Magnolia Wong
Snow from the Nutcracker Ballet ~ Cesar Degollado
Toshani Banerjee, Miguel Castro, Janice Chu, Violet Clippinger, Kylie Fidow, Miranda Gonzalez, Parker-Grace Hovanic, Samantha Ledsinger, Annia McCormick, Hande Ozokur, Madison Slavik, Mia Starczewski, Izzy Steiner, Erica Stranutu, Olivia Van Buuren, Erin Widmann, Emily Wolf, Yuktha Yelluru, Nicola Apte, Elizabeth Clippinger, Emerson Cloney, Scarlett Rose Martin, Liliana Moore, Rosalie Noble, Dharani Ponugoti, Ari Samuel, Sloan Storelee-Case, Isabella Yamello
Believe ~ Tiffany Henderson
Emilia & Trevor Bausman, Rylee & Rob Cygan, Avni & Vipin Dravid, Adelia & Amit Gupta, Aamara & Reginald Hortinela, Arabella & Yuheng Huang, Aaira & Arpan Jain, Aadya & Sudershan Malpani, Ella & Xi Mi, Ella and Mike Silva, Norah & Nickle Sitoula, Annabella & Robert White