Celebrate your Twinkle Star Dance Academy dancer’s achievements in class and watch them on stage at Showtime!
Showtime! gives dancers enrolled in Twinkle Babies and Twinkle Stars classes the chance to show their friends and families all that they have learned with a performance at the end of the dance season. For many students, this may be their first time ever being on stage! The Twinkle Star Dance curriculum is designed to promote self-confidence in young children and getting on stage at the end of the year is a critical part of the program.
At the end of the performance, stay in your seats for a red carpet ceremony on stage! Dancers will be presented an achievement award by their teacher for completing their performance and will pose for a photo.

Tiffany's Dance Academy of Fremont's Twinkle Star Dancers perform Build Me Up Buttercup at their annual Twinkle Star Showcase in 2019. Give them a hand! They're only 4-5 years old!
Tiffany's Dance Academy's South San Francisco Twinkle Star 4-5 year old dancers perform in their annual showcase a dance called "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".
Tiffany's Dance Academy produces a showcase each year called the Twinkle Star Showcase. Our Fremont location had some cuties in 2019 that performed a dance called "Baby, Take a Bow"! Adorable!